Reflexology is a form of bodywork that involves applying pressure to areas of the hands and feet that correspond to various organs and systems in the body. Stimulating these areas is believed to bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body. Reflexology can reduce stress and pain, relax muscles, and increase circulation. Although reflexology is not used to diagnose or cure disease, people around the world use it to complement other treatments when addressing conditions like anxiety, asthma, arthritis, cancer treatment, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, back pain, and digestive issues.
Reflexology sessions are done with clients fully clothed, removing only their shoes and socks. Sessions are typically 50, 60, or 75 minutes long, and clients are positioned comfortably on either a massage table or in a portable reclining "zero gravity" chair
Reflexology Lymph Drainage is a reflexology technique developed in Wales, United Kingdom, by Sally Kay BSc(Hons) in partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University. This technique was developed to help with Lymphedema swelling after treatment for breast cancer. This style technique is modeled after Manual Lymphatic Drainage which helps stimulate the removal of lymph and the function of the lymphatic system, by draining excess lymph from a damaged area.
​Reflexology Lymph Drainage can be used for both primary and secondary Lymphedema clients. This reflexology technique has also been shown to be useful for clients who are dealing with non-cancer related issues such as Fibromyalgia; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Allergies; Headaches (migraines) and several other inflammatory type conditions.
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